Welcome Back to School Newsetter
Falcon Family 2024 Monthly Newsletter
Principal Message
Falcon Families,
We are having fun getting ready to welcome you all back during our Open House next Thursday, August 29th 4:00-5:30 p.m. This year’s theme is all about exploring and traveling our world. With school passports in hand, you and your child will SOAR to each stop and get it stamped. It all ends with a treat in the cafeteria and a raffle ticket for a chance to win one of our prize baskets!
As we continue to raise money for some new playground equipment and bouncy tiles this year, we will have multiple fundraisers. Our first one of the year is with Kona Ice, behind the school during Open House! We ask that you eat any that you purchase outside.
After a refreshing summer break, we are ready to get back to teaching and learning with our students. We can’t wait to see you all at Open House!
Shamika Cleveland, Principal
Key Dates
August 29: Open House and Class Lists will be posted from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
September 3: First day of school for grades 6 & 9
September 4: First day of school for grades 1-5, 7, 8, 10-12
September 6: Kindergarten Orientation, 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
September 9: Kindergarten Transition • Last names beginning with A-L
September 10: Kindergarten Transition • Last names beginning with M-Z
September 11: First day for all kindergarten students
September 26: Picture Day
October 11: No school
October 23 & 24: No school, Fall conferences
October 25: No school
View the 2024-25 Key Dates Calendars
School News
Regular SCHOOL SCHEDULE - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
Doors open: 7:30 a.m. for breakfast/7:35 a.m. for students to head to class
School begins: 7:50 a.m. students should be in their seats and ready to learn. Anyone that comes in after 7:50 will be marked as tardy.
Dimissal: 2:20 p.m.
LATE START WEDNESDAYs – every wednesday
Doors open: 8:30 a.m. for breakfast/8:35 a.m. for students to head to class
School begins: 8:50 a.m. students should be in their seats and ready to learn. Anyone that comes in after 8:50 will be marked as tardy.
During Arrival:
-Students begin arriving to wait in grade level lines out front no earlier than 7:25 a.m.
-All students enter the building at the main front entrance.
-If you are dropping your child off, pull all the way up to the sign along the front of the building curb. This helps the traffic flow to be more efficient.
-To keep the drop-off line moving, only students are getting out of cars.
-If needed, park in the parking lot. Then walk with your child as they cross from the parking lot.
-As you exit the parking lot, stop at the stop sign.
Checking Out Before Dismissal:
To support our end of day wrap up, students will not be able to have an early check out after 2 p.m. Of course, if it is an urgent situation – we will make an exception.
To ensure there has been communication between caregivers; emergency contacts will no longer be allowed to pick up during school hours, unless the parent/guardian has notified the office prior to check out.
During Dismissal:
-Please stay in the one line of cars. This will prevent wrecks.
-If you are at the front of the line, pull all the way up to the cafeteria tree. This helps the traffic flow.
-As you exit the parking lot, stop at the stop sign.
If you are picking up your child to walk off the school grounds, you will pick them up out front by the Naturescape. Staff will not release students until the bell has rung.
Staff are working hard to ensure safety for everyone and to keep the line of cars moving smoothly. Thanks for your help with this.
School supply list
8-10 Elmer’s Glue Sticks
6 - 24ct (or larger) Crayola Crayons
1 doz. Ticonderoga #2 pencils
1 pink pearl eraser
1 box baby wipes
1 box colored pencils
1 box Crayola Washable Markers
1 Crayola Watercolors
1 pair of pointed scissors (Fiskar)
2 boxes of facial tissue
1 box of gallon size Ziploc bags - zipper style
Please no Rose brand crayons or glue sticks
Grade 1
6 White Glue Sticks
1 24ct. colors of the world crayons
1 24ct. Crayola Crayons
1 box Crayola Washable Markers (not skinny)
1 pair student scissors (pointed is best)
1 box of facial tissue, 1 pack of baby wipes, OR 1 box of ziploc bags (any size)
1 large size pencil box (dimensions: 11.5”L X 7.5” W X 3” H). Not regular size.
1 set headphones (not earbuds)
12 Ticonderoga Pencils (sharpened, if possible)
2 or 3 Pink Pearl Erasers
Grade 2
6 White Glue Sticks
1 24 ct. Crayola Crayons
1 24 ct. colors of the world crayons
12 Ticonderoga pencils (sharpened, if possible)
2 pkg. pencil cap erasers (hi-polymer)
1 pair student scissors (Fiskar)
1 pkg. fine-point colored markers
1 box of tissue
1 box of ziploc bags(any size other than gallon)
1 set headphones(labeled with name in sharpie)
**No pencil box needed.
**Most supplies are communal for the classroom
Baby Wipes (2)
Kleenex (2)
Headphones (1 pair)
Crayola Markers Thin/Thick (1 pack of each)
Ziploc Gallon Baggies (1 box)
Coffee Filters (1 package)
Crayola Watercolors (1)
Pink Pearl Erasers (1)
Ream of 8 ½ by 11 White Copy Paper (1)
Plastic Utensils (1 package)
Individually Packaged Snacks (Enough for 10 kids)
Solo Cups (1 package)
Grade 3 ( or ⅔ blend)
4 doz. #2 Ticonderoga pencils (pre-sharpened preferred)
1 24ct. Crayola Crayons
1 box colored pencils OR markers
2 pkg. pencil cap erasers
1 spiral (70-100 sheets—wide ruled) notebook
Supply box - approximately 8” x 5”
2 boxes of facial tissue
1 set headphones
1 handheld pencil sharpener (not electric)
1 computer mouse (wired OR wireless w/USB adapter)
1 ream white printer paper, 8 ½"x 11"
3-5 EGC
Individually packaged snacks
Paper plates
Roll of paper towels
Small plastic cups
Plastic Utensils
Extra clothes, new or used, for kids in need (Youth L, XL, Adult S girls and/or boys)
Set Crayola Fine Tip Markers.
Box of Crayola crayons 24 pk
Baby wipes
Ziploc bags (any size)
Small Lego Sets (3 in 1 are great)
Games (board, dice, cards)
Grade 4 (or 3 / 4 blend)
4 dozen #2 Ticonderoga pencils
2 white plastic (hi-polymer) erasers
2 glue sticks
1 pkg. of colored pencils
1 box of regular size markers
1 box of thin markers
1 pair student scissors, pointed
1 supply box - approximately 8” x 5”
1 set of earbuds or headphones (headphones tend to last longer)
1 boxes of facial tissue or 1 box ziploc bags (any size)
1 handheld pencil sharpener (not electric)
Grade 5 (or ⅘ blend)
6 dozen #2 standard yellow pencils (send in a few each month)
2 white plastic (hi-polymer) erasers (not pink pearl)
4 glue sticks
1 box crayons, at least 24 colors
2 pkg. of colored pencils OR one larger pkg. (1 reg. pkg. will not last the year)
1 box of markers
1 pair student scissors, pointed
1 ruler with inches AND centimeters
1 spiral notebooks, any color, wide ruled
1 ream white paper, 8 ½"x 11" (20#)
1 supply box or zipper pouch
1 box of tissue
1 set of earbuds or headphones
ALL GRADES: Backpack or book bag Appropriate shoes to move in on PE days NO MECHANICAL PENCILS—TICONDEROGA ONLY |
class lists
We will be posting class lists at our Open House on Thursday, August 29th from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. This is an opportunity to come meet the staff, see who your child's teacher will be this school year, see the classroom, drop off school supplies, and tour the school. Please be sure to arrive no later than 5:15 p.m. That will give you ample time to see and do everything before we close our doors for the evening.
Picture Day
Dorian Studios will be here on the morning of Thursday, September 26th to take pictures of every student whether they have paid for pictures or not. Please use mydorian.com to order your pictures online. Search for Forest Ridge Elementary and click on the green Order button or yellow help button associated with our picture day. Online ordering opens on September 5th and picture packets will go home two weeks before picture day.
*If you order online, there is no need to return the picture packet.
District News
Each year, the district distributes electronic devices such as Chromebooks, MacBooks, adapters and chargers for students to use to support their education. These devices and their distribution are overseen by each school and all students and families have a responsibility to handle these devices with care while on loan from the district. At elementary schools, a Chromebook is checked out to each student and kept in a secure area within each classroom while not in use. Chromebooks are not usually sent home with students. If students need to take their assigned Chromebook home, a parent/guardian will be contacted for consent.
Cost of Repairs
Students may be held responsible for any damage to their mobile/electronic device(s) including, but not limited to broken screens, cracked plastic pieces, loss of function of the device, missing keys, etc. Should the cost to repair exceed the cost of purchasing a new device, the student may be held liable for the full replacement value. Lost items such as cables, adapters, etc. will be charged the actual replacement cost value.
Required Replacement
Families agree to pay all associated costs relating to Chromebook or MacBook (EDGE) replacement not to exceed $250.00 (per Chromebook) or $1,200.00 (per MacBook) should the device be stolen, lost, or damaged in any way.
Bus route times for the 2024-2025 school year are expected to be ready the week of August 19. Find your bus route information. Please visit our Bus Riders web page to learn more about registering for the school bus and finding your bus route.
Students attending a Salem-Keizer Public Schools school are offered one breakfast and one lunch each day at no cost thanks to the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). The Food Services page has school breakfast and lunch menus and answers to frequently asked questions about school meals.
Download ParentSquare to receive important email, text, or app notifications for district, school and teacher communications.
School Contact Information
Forest ridge elementary
Address: 7905 June Reid Pl, Keizer, Or 97303
Office phone: 503-399-5548
Attendance line:503-399-5504
Website: https://forestridge.salkeiz.k12.or.us/
Social media: https://www.facebook.com/forestridgeole